New modeling course for the creation of digital twin
A course organized by EIC-College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia. During the course, the bases of the simulation that make possible the creation of digital twins are exposed. The developmental life cycle of a digital twin is explained…

New article about COVID-19 data
We recommend a new article on COVID-19 data published in the journal THE COVERSATION. Where many scientific data processing experts have participated in its writing, we highlight the participation of our CEO Dr Pau Fonseca i Casas.

Simulation models to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies in the containment of Covid-19
Next Friday new Seminar at UPC Departmentament d'Statistics and Operational Research
Since 1995, the Department of Statistics and Operational Research of the UPC has organized a seminar every year where different experts in statistics and…

Workshop Beauty Cluster Barcelona – Design of experiments
Today our CEO Pau Fonseca has participated in this workshop about design of experiments.
The design of experiments is a key element to be able to determine, with the economy of experiments and therefore reducing the time and resources required,…

Next Tuesday, October 6th, our CEO, Pau Fonseca will participate in this workshop about sports and health with the following presentation: “Overtraining simulation model for grupal sports” More information on the link: http://symposium.uoc.edu/55345/detail/2020-online-workshop-on-sports-and-health-analytics-research-october-6-7.html…

Presentation at the 4th UOC Industry 4.0 Conference
Next Wednesday, September 30, our CEO, Pau Fonseca will participate in this conference about 4.0 Industry organized by the UOC with the following presentation: "Modeling situations of containment of pandemics, scenarios for Catalonia in front…

New scientific article: SEIRD COVID-19 Formal Characterization and Model Comparison Validation
Below is a brief summary of the article published openly in the special issue Spreading of Infection Diseases like COVID-19 and Influenza Modelling and Propagation Control of the journal Applied Sciences:
Based on a SEIRD model (Susceptible,…

Polyhedra Tech supports the research on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Catalonia, providing some computational resources for the project SDL-PAND. On http://pand.sdlps.com/ you can follow the evolution of the current pandemic…

Covid-19 Monitoring models for assessing content options
Pau Fonseca i Casas Ph. D., one of our CEOs and researcher at the inLab of the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB) of the UPC, explains the development of a functional prototype that allows to evaluate alternatives of containment of the…

One of the levers of Industry 4.0: Cybersecurity
One of the levers of Industry 4.0 is cybersecurity. On June 25 at the Trends Congress, Professor Genis Margarit pointed out in his presentation “The Challenges in Cybersecurity in the Digital Age” that “City Councils want cybersecurity,…