Entries by Polyhedra


SDLPS is used in the European project PRACE

Our tool SDLPS is used in the European project PRACE. The infrastructure consists of several Tier-0 supercomputers (including MareNostrum at BSC-CNS) distributed across the continent, providing outstanding computing services to enable world-class research on world-class systems. The systems are installed at centres in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzeland. Through PRACE, scientists and technologists from […]


The Barcelona Provincial Council and the Association GBCe signed a framework agreement for the creation of more sustainable urban environments

One of our partners the Association Green Building Council España (GBCe) and the Diputació de Barcelona have signed a framework agreement of cooperation with the goal of sharing specific knowledge in the field of environmental sustainability for the creation of buildings and urban environments more sustainable. The agreement is in line with the will of […]


Taula treball “Talent per a la indústria 4.0”

Polyhedra Tech participates on the Taula treball “Talent per a la indústria 4.0” On this workshop, through various dynamics, attendees have worked in groups and have determined various objectives on which it would be interesting to work, in order to create the talent industry 4.0 is requiring More information here.


Taller Bioconstrucció

We are proud to participate in the Bio Synergies bioconstruction seminars. “El Taller d’introducció a la Bioconstrucció ha sigut creat per apropar la construcció saludable amb materials naturals, a constructors, auto constructors i tots aquells aficionats a la construcció que tinguin en ment treballar en l’àmbit de la construcció o s’hagin plantejat dur a terme […]

SOCIETY 4.0. Digital transformation: the challenge of the smart innovation

In the frame of the presentation of the new Industry 4.0 master degree, ‎next Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m., will take place at Tech Talent Center (c/Badajoz 73, Barcelona) the ‎‎Open Talent: “SOCIETAT 4.0. Transformació digital: el repte de la innovació smart”‎‎, by Eduard Martin Lineros, director of smart cities and strategy for the public […]