March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

14è Premi UPC de Valorització de la Recerca
We are honoured to have received the UPC's award for the valorisation of research in the category of millor invention or work for its application to the market. This award stimulates us to continue working towards a better, more sustainable,…

Recognition for "L’Illa Eficient de l’Eixample"
The project "Illa Eficient" has received a recognition from the Associació Espanyola de Gestors Públics de Vivenda i Sòl (AVS), which is an organization that promotes public housing and urban development in Spain. The project aims to…

Què tenen contra Oriol Mitjà?
You can read a mention in the press of one of the members of our modelling team, Víctor García Carrasco, that is working on the SDL-PAND project. You can consult the opinion article of Agustí Colomines at the following link in the newspaper…

Stand-out Startups in the construction industry
Polyhedra Tech has been selected as one of the 8 startups that stand out in the construction sector by Mobile World Capital. We are proud to present NECADA project on 16th May.
More information here
See you there!

Boletín Hospitecnia
In the Boletin Hospitecnia you can review a description of the NECADA system.
Enjoy this specialized journal with reviews and interesting news related to the Spin off and Startups on the sectors that are changing the world.

A New post that talks about NECADA is on Open Thoughts of UOC
A new post that describes the use of Formal Models and Co-simulation techniques on NECADA is published on "Open Thoughts Ready for a SMARTer World?", a bloc of the Open University of Catalonia.
You can access to it here.

A press note describing NECADA has been published recently on the PTEC, the Spanish technology platform of the construction (plataforma tecnológica española de la construcción following the Spanish acronym).
More information here.

How can climate change affect buildings?
This article talks about the possible implications of the climate change in the buildings. NECADA can be one of the tools to prevent against the future problems because, our model takes care of the environmental changing conditions.

NECADA, un programari que analitza aspectes variats de la vida d’un edifici
You can check this description of NECADA on the RecerCAT, an important electronic newsletter of the Research Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Check out this interview of NECADA that appears in EXPANSION, an economic newspaper leader in Spain.