March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

mHealth BCN Conference 2022
Next Thursday, February 24, Pau Fonseca, our CEO, will participate in the round table Research and innovation in progress of the mHealth BCN Conference 2022. More information at the here.
El proper dijous 24 de febrer, Pau Fonseca participarà…

Participation in mobile week
Today our CEO Pau Fonseca participated in the mobile week in the round table Artificial Intelligence and city development.
The increase in population in cities has led to them becoming increasingly complex environments. Technology opens…

Digitalitza't, new webinar
New Digitalitza't Webinar with a presentation by Pau Fonseca, Co-director of the Master Industry 4.0 of the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya and Doctor in Statistics and Operations Research and Jordi Montero, professor of the simulation…

TRENDS21 Congress
Trends.CAT a forum open to the challenges we face and live, learning to understand changes and positivize them. To move forward by establishing new paths or modifying existing ones.
Trends.CAT becomes a multidisciplinary open space for…

Talk: 'SEIRD-CA-SDL model for COVID-19'
Last week, in the framework of the Mathematical Epidemiology Spread of COVID-19, our CEO Pau Fonseca had participates in this talk organized by University of Warwick.
The summary of the session is as follows: Based on a validated SEIRD model…

Our CEO Antoni Fonseca will present NECADA in a new BIMtour session. Where BIM values are exposed to improve a building's energy performance or how to use BIM to achieve zero power consumption.
The challenge is to be able to verify BIM energy…

Simulation models to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies in the containment of Covid-19
Next Friday new Seminar at UPC Departmentament d'Statistics and Operational Research
Since 1995, the Department of Statistics and Operational Research of the UPC has organized a seminar every year where different experts in statistics and…

Next Tuesday, October 6th, our CEO, Pau Fonseca will participate in this workshop about sports and health with the following presentation: “Overtraining simulation model for grupal sports” More information on the link: http://symposium.uoc.edu/55345/detail/2020-online-workshop-on-sports-and-health-analytics-research-october-6-7.html…

Presentation at the 4th UOC Industry 4.0 Conference
Next Wednesday, September 30, our CEO, Pau Fonseca will participate in this conference about 4.0 Industry organized by the UOC with the following presentation: "Modeling situations of containment of pandemics, scenarios for Catalonia in front…

Today members of Polyhedra Tech are attending the Industry 4.0 Forum this year streaming. Interesting reflections on the changes that covid19 implies on Industry.
Remember that Polyhedra Tech offers digital twins solutions for companies…