March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

New research-article: SDL Cellular Automaton COVID-19
Glad for the publication of this new research article in the journal Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession by members of our team. Congratulations on your work Pau Fonseca, Joan Garcia and Víctor García
ABSTRACT: The digitalization…

New scientific article: SEIRD COVID-19 Formal Characterization and Model Comparison Validation
Below is a brief summary of the article published openly in the special issue Spreading of Infection Diseases like COVID-19 and Influenza Modelling and Propagation Control of the journal Applied Sciences:
Based on a SEIRD model (Susceptible,…

A brief summary of the project we are colaborating about COVID19 #covid19 #innovation #modelling #simulation #research

Què tenen contra Oriol Mitjà?
You can read a mention in the press of one of the members of our modelling team, Víctor García Carrasco, that is working on the SDL-PAND project. You can consult the opinion article of Agustí Colomines at the following link in the newspaper…

COVID-19 spread with containment measures
Polyhedra Tech is working on this model about #Covid19
A basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus. We add simple containment meassures that affect two paramenters, the…

SDLPS is used in the European project PRACE
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is a pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and forms the top level of the European HPC ecosystem.https://www.bsc.es/discover-bsc/the-centre/prace

Using Specification and Description Language for Life Cycle Assessment in Buildings
The definition of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for a building or an urban area is a complex task due to the inherent complexity of all the elements that must be considered. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary approach is required due to the different…

New license
Now SDLPS can be downloaded and used for free for personal, educational or non commercial use. Feel free to ask to the administrator to request your key.
Enjoy formal modeling!

Download page now is active
Now users can download SDLPS on sdlps site. The current version is 0(1) this is the initial release meaning that is a beta "0" in its initial release (1).
Remember, to download SDLPS you need to be registered on the web site, ask the admin to…