IBPSA papers available now online
Now the proceedings of IBPSA conference are online and free to review.
You can read here our two papers:
NECADA: Optimization Software for Sustainable Architecture
Optimization of Energy Renovation of Residential…

A press note describing NECADA has been published recently on the PTEC, the Spanish technology platform of the construction (plataforma tecnológica española de la construcción following the Spanish acronym).
More information here.

BS2015 procediings are now available
The proceedings of the Building Simulation Conference 2015 held during 7-9th December, 2015 at HICC Hyderabad, India are now available here.
Also you can find the photos and the videos of the event.

1ª Jornada UPCenergia 2020
The slides of the "1ª Jornada UPCenergia 2020 " can be accessed here.
Also the pictures of the conference can be viewed here.
A nice revision of some of the projects related with energy that are ongoing at UPC.

Smart City Expo 2015
The presentations of the "ST 23 Sustainable cities and innovative urban planning" of the Smart City Expo 2015, can now be downloaded here.

Optimization of energy renovation of residential sector in Catalonia based on comfort, energy and costs
In this paper presented at IBPSA 2015, are described some interesting results of the MARIE project where NECADA has been used as a simulation engine.
Abstract: The paper describes OptiHab study, done in the framework of the MARIE project. The…

NECADA. Optimization software for sustainable architecture
New paper presented at IBPSA 2015.
Abstract: In this work, we present a hybrid infrastructure, named NECADA, which supports the execution of a detailed simulation model representing all building processes on a supercomputer, cloud, cluster…

14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association
NECADA will be presented on the 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association on the Optimization session on 7th of December.
We share the session with the presentation of the results of the…

1a Jornada #UPCenergia2020
NECADA will be on the first energy meeting of Polytechnic University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech.
See you there.
from 11:00 to 14:00
Aula Capella, ETSEIB

Comfort and economic criteria for selecting passive measures for the energy refurbishment of residential buildings in Catalonia
This paper presents a detailed method to develop cost-optimal studies for the energy renovation of residential buildings. A realistic characterization of the building has been introduced, using measurement and survey data. The method allows…