
March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Improvement of Sustainability in the Construction Area
Tomorrow we will present our paper titled "Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Improvement of Sustainability in the Construction Area" on the Winter Simulation Conference 2019, the premier conference on simulation in the world.

SDLPS is used in the European project PRACE
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is a pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and forms the top level of the European HPC ecosystem.

Combining Formal Definition of a Simulation Model with Heuristics to Improve Building Sustainability
We present a new paper on WSC 2018. Soon you will be able to access to the paper on the website.
Abstract: Sustainability is related with environmental, social and economic variables. Each one of these areas is, by itself, complex due to the…

Simulation model to find the best comfort, energy and cost scenarios for building refurbishment
This article proposes a methodology to assess building behaviour, whilst taking its life cycle into account. Understanding of the system can be obtained by combining well-known energy consumption calculation engines (TRNSYS) with…

Simulation model to find the best comfort, energy and cost scenarios for building refurbishment
This article proposes a methodology to assess building behaviour, whilst taking its life cycle into account. Understanding of the system can be obtained by combining well-known energy consumption calculation engines (TRNSYS) with co-simulation…

NECADA will be on 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association
One of the main conferences related to Building simulation is the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) conference. A paper that describes NECADA has been accepted for an oral presentation :-).
Wee see you on…