March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

Using Specification and Description Language for Life Cycle Assessment in Buildings
The definition of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for a building or an urban area is a complex task due to the inherent complexity of all the elements that must be considered. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary approach is required due to the different…

Simulation model to find the best comfort, energy and cost scenarios for building refurbishment
This article proposes a methodology to assess building behaviour, whilst taking its life cycle into account. Understanding of the system can be obtained by combining well-known energy consumption calculation engines (TRNSYS) with co-simulation…

Analysis of Applications to Improve the Energy Savings in Residential Buildings Based on Systemic Quality Model
A new paper regarding the NECADA project has been published; on it we analyze several EMS using a methodology that simplifies the analysis.
Is open so you can read it here: Analysis of Applications to Improve the Energy Savings in Residential…

IBPSA papers available now online
Now the proceedings of IBPSA conference are online and free to review.
You can read here our two papers:
NECADA: Optimization Software for Sustainable Architecture
Optimization of Energy Renovation of Residential…

Optimization of energy renovation of residential sector in Catalonia based on comfort, energy and costs
In this paper presented at IBPSA 2015, are described some interesting results of the MARIE project where NECADA has been used as a simulation engine.
Abstract: The paper describes OptiHab study, done in the framework of the MARIE project. The…

NECADA. Optimization software for sustainable architecture
New paper presented at IBPSA 2015.
Abstract: In this work, we present a hybrid infrastructure, named NECADA, which supports the execution of a detailed simulation model representing all building processes on a supercomputer, cloud, cluster…

Comfort and economic criteria for selecting passive measures for the energy refurbishment of residential buildings in Catalonia
This paper presents a detailed method to develop cost-optimal studies for the energy renovation of residential buildings. A realistic characterization of the building has been introduced, using measurement and survey data. The method allows…

Optimal Buildings’ Energy Consumption Calculus through a Distributed Experiment Execution
A new research paper where you can see a NECADA execution scenario for an industrial big project. Read it here.
Abstract: The calculus of building energy consumption is a demanding task because multiple factors must be considered during…