March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

Presentation at Barcelona Global Energy Challenges
Today presentation at Barcelona Global Energy Challenges was great!. We talk on the Energy efficiency in building workshop presenting NECADA.
This is the presentation we use:
[slideshare id=49569609&doc=2015-barcelonaglobalenergychal…

Barcelona Global Energy Challenges 2015
NECADA will be on Barcelona Global Energy Challenges 2015, that will be on 18th of June at Telefonica Tower.
We are on the IV workshop, Pau Fonseca will present the tool and the methodology used. Check he program at: http://www.bcnenergychallenges.com/program-2015/

Check out this interview of NECADA that appears in EXPANSION, an economic newspaper leader in Spain.

An interview on the UPC news
A new interview on the UPC news describes NECADA history. Check it on the UPC newsletter.

Interview on Sinc
The Information and Scientific News Service (SINC), a public agency specialized in science, technology and innovation today publishes an interview to the NECADA team.
Check it out here:
Un ‘software’ analiza desde la nube cómo afectará…

III Fòrum sobre Medi Ambient i Món Local
NECADA will be on the III Fòrum sobre Medi Ambient i Món Local presenting the infraestructure.
The format of the presentations are PechaKucha, a concise presentations that outline the key aspects of the message. If you want to know more about…

Let's go to talk about NECADA
NECADA is a hybrid infrastructure that supports the execution of a simulation model on a cloud, farm or desktop environments. Necada take care of the environmental directives and international rules in the designing process (CEN TC 350), optimizing…

NECADA will be on 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association
One of the main conferences related to Building simulation is the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) conference. A paper that describes NECADA has been accepted for an oral presentation :-).
Wee see you on…

CIT UPC presents NECADA project on his newsletter
NECADA is near to be open for everyone use!, stay tuned!
Investigadors d’InLAb FIB UPC i de SummLab UPC han desenvolupat un nou software d'optimització anomenat NECADA. Basat en una infraestructura…

Smart Cities Expo
Today we start our participation on the Smart Cities Expo, in the UPC stand. If you plan to visit this amazing professional expo don't forget to come to our stand and see some amazing projects done by UPC researchers. Also, play with the NECADA…