March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

New license
Now SDLPS can be downloaded and used for free for personal, educational or non commercial use. Feel free to ask to the administrator to request your key.
Enjoy formal modeling!

A New post that talks about NECADA is on Open Thoughts of UOC
A new post that describes the use of Formal Models and Co-simulation techniques on NECADA is published on "Open Thoughts Ready for a SMARTer World?", a bloc of the Open University of Catalonia.
You can access to it here.

Project ACE
We use NECADA to simulate the behavior of the buildings that are represented on the ACE project we develop on the frame of the InLab.
Here https://ace.fib.upc.edu you can access to the site.

1ª Jornada UPCenergia 2020
The slides of the "1ª Jornada UPCenergia 2020 " can be accessed here.
Also the pictures of the conference can be viewed here.
A nice revision of some of the projects related with energy that are ongoing at UPC.

1a Jornada #UPCenergia2020
NECADA will be on the first energy meeting of Polytechnic University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech.
See you there.
from 11:00 to 14:00
Aula Capella, ETSEIB

SmartCities program published
The program for the SmartCity conference that will be on Barcelona from 17 to 19 of November is now published.
NECADA will be presented on
ST 23 Sustainable cities and innovative urban planning
See you soon!

How can climate change affect buildings?
This article talks about the possible implications of the climate change in the buildings. NECADA can be one of the tools to prevent against the future problems because, our model takes care of the environmental changing conditions.

Download page now is active
Now users can download SDLPS on sdlps site. The current version is 0(1) this is the initial release meaning that is a beta "0" in its initial release (1).
Remember, to download SDLPS you need to be registered on the web site, ask the admin to…

NECADA will be on Smart Cities Expo in Barcelona
On 17th - 19th of November, on Gran Via Venue In Barcelona will take place the Smart City Expo World Congress. NECADA will present a paper in the frame of the congress that shows the potentiality of the infrastructure.
See you there!

NECADA, un programari que analitza aspectes variats de la vida d’un edifici
You can check this description of NECADA on the RecerCAT, an important electronic newsletter of the Research Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.