March 5th, #EnergyEfficiencyDay
It is a propitious date to reflect on the rational use we give to energy, and act accordingly. It has its origins in the first international conference on energy efficiency held in Austria in 1998, where more than 350 experts and leaders from…

Polyhedra Tech supports the research on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Catalonia, providing some computational resources for the project SDL-PAND. On http://pand.sdlps.com/ you can follow the evolution of the current pandemic…

Covid-19 Monitoring models for assessing content options
Pau Fonseca i Casas Ph. D., one of our CEOs and researcher at the inLab of the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB) of the UPC, explains the development of a functional prototype that allows to evaluate alternatives of containment of the…

One of the levers of Industry 4.0: Cybersecurity
One of the levers of Industry 4.0 is cybersecurity. On June 25 at the Trends Congress, Professor Genis Margarit pointed out in his presentation “The Challenges in Cybersecurity in the Digital Age” that “City Councils want cybersecurity,…

Today members of Polyhedra Tech are attending the Industry 4.0 Forum this year streaming. Interesting reflections on the changes that covid19 implies on Industry.
Remember that Polyhedra Tech offers digital twins solutions for companies…

A brief summary of the project we are colaborating about COVID19 #covid19 #innovation #modelling #simulation #research

Què tenen contra Oriol Mitjà?
You can read a mention in the press of one of the members of our modelling team, Víctor García Carrasco, that is working on the SDL-PAND project. You can consult the opinion article of Agustí Colomines at the following link in the newspaper…

COVID-19 spread with containment measures
Polyhedra Tech is working on this model about #Covid19
A basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus. We add simple containment meassures that affect two paramenters, the…

New Course
We will teach about energy efficiency with Fundació Eduard Soler.
Energy management is a key factor in business competitiveness, especially in the context of a constant increase in energy prices, where in a timely manner the process of…

New publication: Simplifying the Verification of Simulation Models through Petri Net to FlexSim Mapping
Simplifying the encoding of a simulation conceptual model representation reduces the number of errors that will be detected in the verification phase. In this paper, we present a mapping between Petri nets, a well-known formalism, and FlexSim,…

Energy efficiency opportunities, by Multidisciplinary Design
Energy improvement should be not only energy and cost savings, but also improvement in comfort, health and, finally, social improvement.
On November 30, a Conference on Energy Efficiency in Industry and Housing was held at the Eduard Soler…